Visual Arts

Timeless Textures – From Tradition to Contemporary Creation Weaving Dialogues, from Caligraphic Weavings and the Tapestry of Pyrgos to Contemporary Art

07 Oct - 30 Oct

In 16 Days

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The Holy Church of the Great Archangels in Palaiokhori, Chalkidiki, in collaboration with the Cultural Association of Ouranoupoli, presents an artistic dialogue between the weaving techniques developed in Palaiokhori and Ouranoupoli and works of contemporary art. The contemporary pieces that complement these traditional masterpieces are created by distinguished Greek artists, including Giota Andriakaina, Katerina Velliou, Thodoris Zafeiropoulos, Katerina Zafeiropoulou, Dimitris Zouroudis, Christos Kostoulas [Captain], and Eugenia Faliaridou. Each artist explores the concept of Coexistence, drawing inspiration from the “calligraphic weavings and traditional tapestries,” and offers their creative imprint. Embracing this invitation with enthusiasm, they have expressed a keen willingness to actively contribute to this creative dialogue.


This project seeks to capture the notion of continuity and evolution from the roots of traditional art to contemporary expressiveness. It embodies a fusion of aesthetics, materials, and techniques that traverse time. The second part of the title, “From Tradition to Contemporary Creation,” underscores the evolution and transition from past to present, as well as the dynamic interplay between these two worlds. Through continuous interaction and integration, art transforms into a living field where past, present, and future prospects coexist and intertwine, providing a rich foundation for both personal and collective expression.

The caligraphic weavings of Palaiokhori and the tapestries from the workshop Pyrgos (Ouranoupoli) — private collections — represent a domestic economy that thrived in the region until the 1980s. Palaiokhori, a mountainous village with native residents, and Ouranoupoli, a seaside refugee village, each bring their unique contributions to this tradition. The caligraphic weavings, focused on rose motifs, are crafted on a flat loom without a pile and belong to the broader category of “Kilims.” The rugs of Ouranoupoli, featuring designs inspired by relics of Mount Athos, were made on an upright loom with knots and a pile. All the exhibits are dowry pieces of great sentimental and aesthetic value, unique works created during the 20th century, dating back to the early 1900s.

Timeless Textures – From Tradition to Contemporary Creation Weaving Dialogues, from Caligraphic Weavings and the Tapestry of Pyrgos to Contemporary Art
07 Oct - 30 Oct

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